Hoodoo Adventure
It was a beautiful (for January) +11 day in Lethbridge with a bit of a breeze, when three of my friends and I set out for our adventure. I had suggested Saturday afternoon that since school was starting on Monday, that we go to Writing on Stone Provincial park which is located about 100km SE of Lethbridge. So just after 8am, my friends Eric, Sean, Sam, and I all headed out. http://maps.google.ca/maps?saddr=Lethbridge,+AB&daddr=Writing-On-Stone+Provincial+Park,+HIGHWAY+501+%26+HIGHWAY+500,+Milk+River,+Alberta&hl=en&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=25.669235,66.708984&geocode=FTJD9gIdkCtG-SkjzVrxSoZuUzGuvpVi43hcHA%3BFVGd7AIdqYZY-SHDdPS54IlPhQ&oq=writing&vpsrc=6&mra=ls&t=m&z=9 Or first stop was at the visitor centre for Milk River. It was there we saw a dinosaur, now I am no Palaeontologist, but to me the thing looked like a T-Rex. Anyways we took a few pictures and also climbed on the concrete hoodoos that they have at the vaster cent...