
Showing posts from 2011

The Hike Up Turtle Moutain

"It's always further than it looks. It's always taller than it looks. And it's always harder than it looks." On the morning of September 24, 2011 the adventure began to conquer something big.We headed to the Crowsnest pass to take on a new adventure; hiking up Turtle Mountain. A little history on Turtle Mountain, located in the southern section of the Rocky Mountains in Canada near the border of British Columbia. With Turtle Mountain coems an old Indian Legend that says, in 1853, the Blackfoot Indians fought a battle with the Crow Indians at the base of Turtle Mountain. During the battle, large rocks fell off the mountain and killed 200 warriors. The mountain was named Turtle Mountain by the Crow Indians because they saw it moved slowly. The Indians believed that the spirit Napi had chosen Turtle Mountain as his final resting place by climbing up the mountain and vanishing. This caused the Indians to proclaim peace in the valley forever. The base of Turt...

Last Days of summer pt 2

When your life flashes before your eyes, make sure you've got plenty to watch. ~Author unknown August 24th, 4am came fast! This is the time that mom and I left Provost; we had made coffee and grabbed snacks so we wouldn’t have to stop. We arrived in Lethbridge shortly after 8am, did a quick stop at my house to unload a few things than we headed off towards the Crowsnest Pass. We did a brief stop at Franks Slide, since I had never been there before (or at least remember being there) so it was nice that since we weren’t in a hurry we could do these small things. We also stopped at the World’s Largest Truck in Sparwood and got our picture taken there.   From there we continued towards Creston, where we took the ferry across Kootney Lake towards Nakusp. We finally arrived in Nakusp around 6pm; here I was able to see my friend Cassandra. I hadn’t seen her in almost 6 years! I was so happy that she and her boys were able to make it down from Creston to visit for a few days. ...

Last Days of summer

The end of summer came before I could even think of when it had started.   I didn’t realize how fast four months could go by, so I guess it’s true what people say; “time flies when you’re having fun” and did I ever have fun this summer.   Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. ~Charles Richards As mentioned earlier in my blogs the majority of my summer was spent in Churchill, Manitoba working with Sea North Tours. However there was a week during July that I was able to return to my hometown (Burns Lake) to attend my friends Kelsey and Trent’s wedding. It was fun to see many of my friends from back in the day, as well as being able to have some down time from Churchill. Prior to the wedding, I was able to spend time with my good friend Hilary. She and I had a chance to meet and get our picture taken with Justin Bieber! Unfortunately it wasn’t really him, just a large cardboard cut out of him as a way of promoting h...