
Showing posts from 2012

Today We Remember

Today We Remember The sun shines brightly over our town today The sky is blue And the wind is low The streets are quiet And the bears are hidden The birds are perched And the vehicles are parked Today we remember We remember the sacrifices made so many years ago The lives that were lost and the lives that were cherished So many of us have been taught about this day The day the world went silent The day the last solider fell Today we remember We remember November 11th Today is our remembrance day Monica Robinson~ 2012    

Welcome to Churchill

When the temperature drops The skies will clear and the bears will roam The sun in shinning, the temperature well below zero The snowmobiles are out Dressed as warm as possible people waddle like penguins Trying not to slip on the ice The wind has finally subsided The after affects of the blizzards now clearly seen Flag trees and buildings slightly covered with snow Ice has begun to form on the Bay The snow drifts are solid and beautifully shaped A perfect photo opportunity Bear, fox, and hare tracks are visible amongst the snow Standing here I smile There isn’t a more beautiful place I’d rather be The passenger train has just arrived New guests smile at the sight they are presented with Welcome to Churchill Monica Robinson November 10, 2012 Churchill, Manitoba

Life Unexpected

Life Unexpected If someone would have told me five months ago after graduating from University with a degree in History that I would be living I an isolated community working three different jobs and having to worry about running into a Polar Bear while walking down the street, I probably would have laughed. However it is not as uncommon as most people would think living where I do for over the years thousands of people have called Churchill home- some for a brief time, some forever. Churchill maybe one of the biggest little towns in the country and certainly is one of the most fascinating and I couldn’t be happier to be able to call this amazing place home. So just where is home? For those who have never been to Churchill nor have they heard of it would think I was nuts. Located North of 58.47 degrees with accessibility being available by air or rail would make anyone’s head turn. The area of Churchill covers over 7,031 square miles and is located on the sea part...

Solo Traveler

Thus far I have somewhat neglected my blogging duties however not because I have nothing to say just no time to say it. So this blog entry is a tad delayed in posting compared to where I am now in life/ my adventure but thought it would still be fun to here I go.  Another twelve hours waits before arriving at my destination of Churchill. Can’t wait this part of the trip is going by ay faster than my thirty hours on the bus. However having said that least this time I have more things to keep me occupied other than sleeping. 21:00 hrs and I have now finished watching Season 2 of Archer and have also finished watching “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” a very intriguing movie I think. Having already read the book I appreciated the movie more, however do wish they had not cut out certain scenes but regardless I have hopes that they will make up for it in the next movie. 22:28 hrs a quick stop in the dark for those departing us ...

Just Do It!!

I find it fascinating how often I hear of how surprised people are to find "unknown" experiences in their own back yard. I for one had to realize this myself considering my first solo traveling adventure was not in my own backyard of Canada but rather in Europe. However, as much as I appreciated going to Europe I was very excited when the opportunity came for me to finally explore a bit of my country. As a child growing up in British Columbia I was fortunate to have been raised by a single parent who enjoyed taking my brothers and I to explore the outdoors. Every chance my mother had she was taking us outside; whether it was to simply going on a nature walk, going camping, or going for a swim to one of the many lakes that surrounded us we were always outside. When I think back to all the time I was able to spend outdoors as a child as well as all the travelling we did it has made me realize that this is why I love doing what I am currently doing. Now that I have fin...

Johnston Canyon + Ink Pots Hike

September 08, 2012 ~ Johnston Canyon + Ink Pots in Banff National Park~ This morning was once again an early start just as it usually should be when you are planning on going hiking for the day.   Lunches for our hike had been made the night before so that we would be in less of a rush to get out the door, breakfast was had, the girls were dressed and fed therefore ready to go, the van was packed and we were on our way. By the time we had left the city it was just passed 9am.   The drive wouldn’t be complete without of course a stop at the nearest Timmy Ho’s for a nice cup of green tea   +   2 sugars and a double double   for my brother James. From there we continued our way towards Banff heading out on the Trans-Canada Hwy.   The trip is usually over an hour and this time because I wasn’t driving I was able to enjoy a good read…I almost finished the book “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” which I couldn’t put down because it was so amazing. I ha...

From Lake Louise ~ to Lake Agnes Teahouse~ to the Big Beehive and down

September 2, 2012 Last night Sarah and I decided that on Sunday we would go for a hike, however we didn’t know where. So after dinner we got home and began doing research on which place we wanted to go and at first we were thinking of going to Waterton National Park but decided that it was too far away for a day trip, so instead we decided to head to Lake Louise and hike up to the Lake Agnes Teahouse while James and Gramma stayed behind in Calgary with Brooke and Hailey. Our journey began around   0830am shortly after stopping at Timmy Ho’s and heading outside of Calgary via Crowchild. We had to keep it to the speed limit which was about 90km/h due to having to drive through the park and the fact that it is a long weekend and the police were out, so we took our time getting there. Once arriving at Lake Louise Village we headed straight for the Chateau Lake Louise to park the car and head out. Once the car was parked we looked up to whereabouts we’d be heading and the...